Tuesday, March 1, 2011

O-Week at CSU

I arrived at CSU (Charles Sturt University) on the 19th and moved into my room. I also met my roommates which seem like a great bunch of people. Before I knew it, I even got offers from the parents offering to let me stay at their place whenever I am in Sydney which just shows how friendly the Aussie people are.
O-week was a great start the the school year with things like dag night, who I want to be when I grow up night, etc. So that was really good. And my RA, Alex is probably one of the nicest and best RA's out there. She is great at helping with whatever needs to be done and organizing events for us in the catered cottages.
The Windradyne cottages are part of the diggings group, and during our O-week we all got something to put on our arms to show which housing group we belong to. The gym is right across the road and is free for students, so hopefully I can get enough modivation to actually go at least once in a while. I have been having quite a few 50cent McDonald's cones the last few weeks.

Our Cottage (8 rooms)
My Room!

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